Miami Herbert Business School

Request Info

International Academic Credentials

Applicants to a graduate program in the Miami Herbert Business School who have international academic credentials must do the following.

Documents Required 

Submit the following educational documents to an approved international credentialing evaluation service for evaluation:

a) Official original diplomas and certificates in the original language, and

b) Official original transcripts in the original language (names of courses, grades, and hours of instruction) for every year of study. 

Documents in a language other than English must be accompanied by professional, certified English translations.  Translations supplement, but do not replace the official documents.

Type of Evaluation Required

The Miami Herbert Business School is requiring international applicants to their programs to complete a document-by-document evaluation with GPA.  

Where to Submit Documents for Evaluation

Josef Silny & Associates (JS&A), Inc. International Education Consultants, is the preferred evaluation vendor for international applicants to the University of Miami due to their competitive prices and high-quality service.  Click here for more information, including the Application for Evaluation of Foreign Educational Credentials.

Please note that international applicants are not required to use the services of JS&A.  The international credential evaluation services of any approved vendor may be used. Click here to view a list of approved vendors.

Evaluation Fee

Applicants are responsible for the evaluation fee.

Additional Information

Click here to visit the Miami Herbert Business School's admissions website.
