McKnight Fellow Travel Support

Request Info


McKnight Doctoral and Dissertation Fellows at the University of Miami are eligible to apply for a one-time travel award of an amount up to $1,000 to present at a scholarly conference or to present and/or attend a professional meeting. Although Fellows are not required to present at the scholarly conference or meeting attended, advisors must support attendance at the conference or meeting as a worthwhile endeavor and the Graduate School must approve.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Student is a McKnight Fellow
  • Fellow must submit this McKnight Fellow Travel Support Request form prior to the travel to ensure (and receive approval) that the anticipated travel purpose falls within the scope of the travel award and is deemed a reimbursable expense
  • McKnight Fellow is in good academic standing (minimum 3.5 graduate cumulative GPA)
  • McKnight Fellow is making satisfactory progress towards the degree and is up-to-date on McKnight Progress Reports
  • Travel support request is made within years 1-6 of the doctoral degree
  • If student is requesting travel support for a scholarly conference, student must provide proof that an abstract has been accepted for presentation
  • If student is requesting travel support for a professional meeting, student is not required to present, but may
  • If the travel is international to a country with a level 3 or level 4 risk rating, student has completed the International Travel Student Authorization Form and has received approval from the Study Abroad Office and Risk Management. Copies of the approved documentation will then need to be uploaded by the student when completeing the McKnight Fellow Travel Support Application.

Terms of the Award

If you are approved by the Graduate School to receive the travel support, you will be required to provide documentation of attendance and expenses incurred related to the conference/meeting (e.g. conference/meeting agenda, itemized receipts and invoices) in order to receive the travel support. The travel support will come in the form of a reimbursement to the student and must be made within 60 days of the incurred cost and only after the student has submitted all required documentation needed for reimbursement.

Examples of qualifying expenses include: conference/meeting registration fees, transportation expenses, lodging expenses, meal expenses, and/or poster printing cost. The Graduate School will determine whether or not an expense qualifies for reimbursement. Please note some of the following restrictions:

  • Use of a personal automobile for travel is subject to the University's standard mileage allowance (mileage log must be provided).
  • Nightly hotel fee may not exceed $350.
  • Per diem rates enforced by the University must be adhered to. Click here for the domestic per diem rates and click here for the international per diem rates.
  • Alcohol purchases and gifts are not reimbursable.
  • The student will be reimbursed an amount up to $1,000. If the travel expenses equate to less than $1,000, the student will be reimbursed the lesser amount. If the travel expenses are less than $1000, the student may submit another travel support application. If approved, the remaining balance can be applied to those travel expenses, but the balance must be used by May 31st of the fiscal year the travel support application is approved.

Financial Aid Policy 

Reimbursement to students who attend, speak, or present at a conference or meeting, or visit a field site or off-campus laboratory, will be considered financial aid UNLESS the travel

  • Directly supports a faculty project, research, or scholarship program;
  • Directly relates to the student's employment status at the University;
  • Is connected to activities of a University of Miami-recognized student club or organization

Click here to review the complete financial aid policy and how it may apply to you.


How to Request the Travel Support

Prior to the travel, the Fellow must submit the McKnight Fellow Travel Support Application. The Graduate School will review the request to ensure that the anticipated travel falls within the scope of the travel support and is deemed a reimbursable expense. Only if this request is approved by the Graduate School, and the terms of the travel support outlined above are met, will the travel support be provided. McKnight Fellows must complete the McKnight Fellow Travel Support Application prior to the travel.

